***** A novel that reads your mind
In titling
this review I have deliberately played with the plot of the book. “Mindstar
Rising” in fact has as its protagonist a former military, Greg Mandel, who was
implanted with a special gland that allows him to feel the emotions of other
people, and in a sense, to read their minds, even if not literally. Mandel is
now a private detective who finds himself investigating a plot of global reach
focused on the young heir to a billionaire. The story is set in a dystopian near
future, a future in which global warming has transformed England into an almost deserted place where
seas invaded the coasts and changed their morphology, where oil is over, and
people live in a world degraded in a mixture of low and high tech, the second
especially is the prerogative of the rich.
The setting
is picturesque, though I cannot stand post-apocalyptic stories, but the plot
revolves around something very different and so this aspect hasn’t had a
negative influence on my judgment.
Although we
are faced with situations very different from those of the usual books by
Hamilton, his style is recognizable in the extreme complexity of the plot, the
description of uninhibited erotic situations narrated as something natural, his
long scenes that keep you glued to the pages of the book, his sought language
that forces you to concentrate to the maximum while reading, the ending that
can tear a smile.
This is the
first novel of Hamilton, the first of a trilogy that I will continue
to read soon. In a sense, I appreciated
it even more than his space operas, perhaps because imagining a near
future gave me more references in the present and made it easier to imagine
myself in the story. Hamilton’s characters are alive and you just
want to know more about them. Also it is a thriller set in the future with
shades of transhumanism, in other words a cyberpunk technothriller, but very
contemporary, although it was published twenty years ago and some technological
aspect is slightly outdated. But it differs from a certain obscurity of other
books of this subgenre dated back to ten or more years earlier, making it an
accessible read to a wider audience that goes beyond science fiction.
the book has never been translated into my language (Italian) and reading it in
English requires a good knowledge of the language, given the richness of the
language used by the author and his high register. But it can also be an
opportunity to improve your English.
the edition I read, the one published on the twentieth anniversary of the novel
(each copy is numbered and signed by the author) also contains a previously
unpublished novella in the first part of the book, but chronologically inserted
at the end of the trilogy. It is a proper detective story, but set in the
future and with an unpredictable and politically incorrect ending, which I
would call it à la Hamilton and which makes it very different
from other stories of this genre.
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