*** Strange, difficult to classify, perhaps a missed
I have mixed feelings towards this book. I was drawn by the plot that
seemed full of suspense, but then after a start that seemed to fulfil the
promises of the description, the novel has slipped to the déjà vu like a
thousand others of its genre, apart from the ending, thankfully.
For simplicity, let’s start with what I liked of the book.
The basic idea was really interesting and with great potential. A woman
who falls in love with her stalker. Such an idea would intrigue anyone.
The absence of the classic happy ending was a winning choice which
allowed the book to recover a couple of points lost on the way, along with the
pressure of events in the last chapters that were everything but predictable.
All this is well seasoned with ambiguous characters who remain such
until the end and a considerable care of the correctness of the text (I just
noticed a typo in the whole book, which means that there are probably very
But let’s get to what I didn’t like, and unfortunately there’s much of
I found the style of the author very repetitive. 90% of periods begins
with a -ing form, followed by other secondary clauses and the main clause at
the end. All of those periods are structured like this. In addition, the
speaking attribution is almost always put before the dialogue (a quite obsolete
practice and that should always be used sparingly), in addition to being used
much more than necessary.
This made the reading of the book difficult enough, almost annoying. I
tried to start reading another book by the same author, but, in front of the
endless repeating of this structure, I gave up.
I had trouble seeing the difference between the two main characters in
the way they are shown. Often in the parts from the point of view of Twitch the
same unusual words and expressions of Lexi are used, and vice versa.
Occasionally I noticed errors in the point of view, creating a bit of
Moreover, the book is full of unusual expressions repeated several times,
so as to make the repetitions really evident.
The use of the double point of view, considering the above problems,
does not improve the situation. I know it is a custom of many books of this
genre, but I think it’s a bad habit that tends to bring out all those problems
that create confusion regarding the use of point of views.
While the main characters are fairly characterised, the secondary ones
tend a bit to be two-dimensional.
Speaking of the plot, I found the sudden change of behaviour of Twitch
unrealistic and here and there are some small inconsistencies in the story
concerning some of its fundamental aspects. The book in general shows a bit too
many clichés, especially in the first part.
The erotic element is sometimes forced. Some sex scenes are entirely
useless and don’t advance the action.
As I said before, the psychological theme behind the story has great
potential, but it is not exploited. In my opinion, there has been little
willingness on the part of the author to do some research on this type of
“unhealthy” relationships and the result is that some passages bring down the
suspension of disbelief.
It’s really a shame, because I think it is a missed opportunity for the
author to write a book that narrates about a sick love story, able to attract a
vast range of readers. What a pity.
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