To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee

**** Simple, short, deep

It is always difficult to judge a book that is considered an undisputed masterpiece of modern fiction, a modern classic. I don’t even try. I just want to try to summarize in a few words what this book left to me.
It’s surprising that a book of fifty years ago “sounds” so modern while reading, especially if the events described are from decades earlier. It’s a quite short and uncomplicated novel that you can read and enjoy at any age.
The narrative voice is that of a little girl, and as she tells us the trivial facts of her daily life, she assists to events bigger than her, but she deals them with the simple wisdom and innocence that only a child can have. And so a racist incident in the thirties of the twentieth century, a racism that was still a sad reality in the time of the writing of the novel and that unfortunately partly still is today, becomes an opportunity to portray an overview of the southern United States, where things happen as everybody expects and where the little light of an almost heroic gesture at the end of the novel illuminates a resigned and disillusioned reality.

To Kill a Mockingbird on Amazon.

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