Characters on Mars, in "Red Desert"

The story of Red Desert is character driven. We always see what’s happening through the eyes of a specific character.
There’s only Anna’s point of view in “Red Desert - Point of No Return”, but there are more in the other books. We see what she sees, we hear what she hears, and we touch what she touches, and we feel what she feels. The whole experience occurs through her and the other characters. And their feelings, their attitude, their flawed character is central in the story.

I must say there aren’t heroes and villains in Red Desert. There isn’t any complete separation between good and evil. Everything is grey, in the middle.
And that’s also the main theme of the story, which actually comes back in most of my novels.
Good is what the character holding the point of view in that moment considers good for them. You really find yourself agreeing with them, in most cases, even if what they think may be morally bad in real life.
And from that comes another theme that is the respect of differences, whether they regard ethnicity, culture, religion, or what the character is in general and the choice they make.
So, even if, there is at least one character who can be considered bad from the point of view of the protagonist, you will probably like them anyway. Actually the protagonist is an anti-heroine, so she cannot call herself good.

And finally there’s science and of course Mars. Mars is a character itself, a constant presence in the story, and like the other characters it isn’t good or bad, it’s beautiful and dangerous, wonderful and lethal. It isn’t Mars’s fault. It is what it is.

I take the chance given by this story to talk, through the character’s point of views, about Mars. I touch various topics, regarding colonization, astronautics, physics, astrobiology, ecology and so on. I’ve tried to put all that mixed up with the story so that it could be easily understandable by any reader; actually they could take this chance to learn something about the Red Planet and, at the same time, feel like they’ve been there.

If you want to feel Mars just like my characters do, you should give Red Desert a try.
Red Desert - Point of No Return” is on Amazon, Kobo, iTunes, Barnes & Noble (also Nook UK), GooglePlay, and Smashwords at only $0.99. You can also read it on Oyster and Scribd.

Red Desert - People of Mars” (book #2) is available on Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Nook UK, GooglePlay, iTunes, and Smashwords at only $1.99. And of course you can read it on Oyster and Scribd.

The third book in the series, “Red Desert - Invisible Enemy”, will be published on 2 February 2015.

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